
The Problem
The metaverse embodies a set of advantages and a set of disadvantages. In terms of advantages, the metaverse presents a wide range of opportunities for upcoming generations; from educational opportunities to employment opportunities including healthcare improvements and urban development. 

Notwithstanding, its use has been associated to a substantial number of physical and psychological risks and it could even end-up being a threat to society given that the way in which human beings interact with each other, the way of doing business, the way of learning or performing daily activities outside houses could drastically change in the forthcoming years.

The Idea
To ensure that the number of benefits to society outweighs the number of drawbacks, it is essential to guarantee that subscribers know how to make a good and profitable use of the metaverse. The most convenient approach to warrant the latter involves educating people in an attempt of guaranteeing they know how to deal with this digital transformation and are prepared for making the most out of the possibilities that the advancements in new technologies are offering the world. 

Teaching young people on how to use the metaverse in a convenient way that improves their skills, makes them more participative in working towards a better society and enables them to exploit the resource according to their interests and preferences, renders the opportunity to promote active citizenship, youth's sense of initiative, entrepreneurship and even their interest into different learning fields such as science, technology, engineering or mathematics in an alternative, appealing manner.
The Objective
Wake Up's main objective is to spread awareness over the metaverse's use and it's potential risks.

The project will produce 2 concrete results:
  • Develop the framework to raise awareness on the metaverse
  • Wake Up virtual platform
